Meal Prep. Do Your Future Self a Favour!

Maybe spending hours in the kitchen on a Sunday isn’t ready your thing. Or maybe spending any time in the kitchen isn’t really your thing.  Meal planning and prepping is a great way to:

  1. Eat healthier

  2. Eliminate food waste

  3. Save some money

  4. And honestly, reduce the stress felt every evening when you have to feed your family

Besides us giving you a meal plan and a grocery list each week (which we have here!), there are some tips that we can give you to make meal prepping WAY easier on you. 

Meal Prep Tips

6 Tips to Make Meal Prep Easier…

  1. When you are making a dinner, buy ingredients for and put together TWO of the same meal. If it’s a Stir fry, cut the meat, cut the veggies, make the sauce, but then freeze the pieces of the meal raw in freezer bags or freezer safe containers. Make sure you label the containers or place all the little bags into a big bag that’s labelled! If it’s a casserole, assemble it and freeze it before cooking it. In a week or month down the road, when you need supper - you have something!!

  2. Buy already prepped ingredients. I buy cauliflower rice already made for me, or slaw, sweet potato, etc. Heck, you can even buy frozen diced onion now! Do it! It’s not cheating!

  3. If you’re cutting carrots or celery and know you have something else that needs it later in the week, cut it all! It won’t go bad in the fridge and you will be so happy you did it all later on and you don’t have to wash another cutting board!

  4. SLOWCOOKER MEALS. Click here for blog posts full of awesome, flavourful, family-friendly slow cooker meals that take major stress off and make your house smell awesome all day long. These can be made in large freezer bags and then dumped in your slow cooker in the morning. So super easy!

  5. Meal plan with a friend. Take turns each week making a meal plan and grocery list and exchange. This way, you could also share the ingredients that only need a tbsp but you had to buy the big bottle.

  6. Your meal prep/planning can include meal kits! They take the guess work out of coming up with ideas. Obviously we’re biased, as our meal kits at Supper Studio are the best bang for your buck - fully prepped, freezer friendly, and LOCAL - but there are lots of options out there.

meal prep Cauliflower Rice

I promise you, having a plan, sticking to it, and doing a bit of prep to make it easier on your self in the long run will pay off! You’ll be a well-fed, less stressed person! Hope these tips helped!

~Leah & Lori

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