Why we do what we do...

Through the ups and downs that life sometimes throws at you, the people in your life want to help. A lot of times that help comes in the form of food. 

Lori and I have often been on the receiving end of these gifts of food. They arrived during the obvious happy events of life - marriages and births, but also during the not-so-happy events - long term NICU stays, death of a spouse, cancer diagnoses, single parenthood, mental health disorders. These are a few of the situations that have allowed us to see the value in receiving meals and that gave our families one less thing to worry about when there's already a million worries that seem more important.

Our circumstances in life are some of the reasons why we wanted to open a business that offers the service we do. Lori and I are not alone in what we've experienced. We know that so many people have to go through crazy and traumatic situations in their own lives. Our people (friends, family, & perfect strangers alike) came together every time to lend a hand where they could. We were so blessed to be surrounded by our people. 

We are hopeful that our meals can help families who have enough on their plates. If there is a family that you know of that could use a little boost, give them the gift of food. You may not know how much it helps! Support your people, love your people, stand by your people all the way. They need you, even if they don't always tell you they do. 

If you're wanting to start a meal train and don't know where to start, let us help! If you want to pop by and be able to give a meal anonymously to someone who could use it, we'd be happy to deliver! If you've got a different idea, just send a message letting us know how we can help! 


Leah & Lori

Lori Nikkel