The Gift of Time.


With Mother's Day around the corner, I find myself wondering what the most popular gifts are for the mom in our lives. I know our pre-school and elementary school kids often bring home cute crafts that a really ambitious teacher has dreamed up. Flowers and chocolates are a common gift. Dads often think that a super last minute run to the grocery store for flowers and a card is the ticket. Sometimes, if we organize a babysitter and make plans, our husbands will generously come along. amiright? I sound a little cynical, after all, I will acknowledge that sometimes our families do get it right... but rarely. 

What do we as moms really want...? There are some really amazing moms that all they really want is a beautiful day spent with their beautiful children doing all the things while laughing, playing and getting along. You are a better mom than me for wanting this. For me,  I know I'd love some time all to myself - I want to be called by my real first name - not "mom", I want to wear clean clothes without something sticky smeared on the legs or yogurt on the shoulder. It'd be pretty cool to drink a coffee while it's still hot or better yet, a full meal, still hot and not shared. 

I spend most of my days planning playdates and activities, phoning to organize said dates and activities, refereeing fights between kids, entertaining (which often includes dance-offs and singing competitions), doing laundry, folding laundry, planning meals, making meals, grocery shopping for those meals... it's the mental load of a mother (or parent). And that's not even going to work at a full-time job. So for a mom to ask for a break is completely okay!

So give the mom in your life the gift of time! Give her a little tiny break from the regular hum-drum of life! I have often said that Supper Studio meals give the gift of time. It frees up the hour every night that meal prep takes. The is a small plug for Supper Studio, but it truly does give a little breather at the end of the day when it's needed the most.  Give her the gift of an extra hour of sleep. Give her the gift of a clean kitchen after dinner is eaten. Give her the gift of an empty laundry basket! Give her the gift of clean sheets on the bed. Give her the gift of the toys put away. Give her the gift of a glass (bottle) of wine and a bath - with no little fingers creeping under the door. Give her that little bit of extra time that she can take in and fully appreciate the people around her. It truly is the little things! 

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms and moms-to-be! Let's make sure to celebrate all the amazing, hard-working moms in our lives!


Photo credit for beautiful cover photo/thumbnail: Rachel Joyce Photography, Calgary, AB


Lori Nikkel